Saturday, August 22, 2015

Prescription Drugs? I said NO!

My personal journey has recently led me to a choice in the road of life and I chose to trust in the Lord and to pursue educating myself on natural health. I had another choice which was to take the pain medication and the OCD medication i was given and diagnosed on 7-14-15 while going in for a solution to my back, neck, shoulder, and wrist pain that had been coming back and forth for several months.

The diagnosis was startling although I do like control I chose a different route as Robert Frosts poem stated, "I chose the road less traveled and that has made all the difference." Now, I did take the two medication for two days and did not like the side-effects of nausea, stomach pain, and even less energy than usual. eek! At 35 I am stubborn and never want to be on medication to survive I want to live in a way that is joy filled and I want to honor God with my whole life: body, mind, heart, soul and strength. I started to clean up my diet increasing the whole foods I eat to 80% and started working out more than my daily 20 minute walks by adding some crunches, planks, mountain climbers, and squats. It was not easy! For the first time I could feel every muscle, joint and knew I needed to get back in shape. I don't know if I will ever get to where I was before I had my two amazingly wonderful boys, because that changed my body; but that's my hope and dream.

To date since I started my pain relief journey I have lost 3-5lbs so I started at 146 and I weighed myself on 8-16-15 it read 140.8 and since then it's read between 141-143 so that's why i say inconsistently i've lost 3-5 lbs. I hope to lose more but to primarily discover a way that works for me personally that I can stick to every day to eat healthy, lose weight, have energy, stress release, that's fun, doesn't feel restrictive and so yeah that's going to happen. so it will be an ongoing lifestyle improvement. so that I can love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind, soul, body and strength and be the best Mom and wife that I can be, lol (that reads like the army quote). Mommy Reserves!

I started this site to share my dreams and goals and alot of good information and resources on whole foods and natural living. Please join me on this journey! like, share, add me on here and on my other website: and connect with me on fb:kimbfincher  twitter: kimbfincher

God Created it and said it was good! Genesis 1:11-12

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